Where is Granada?
Here are estimated train travel times to Granada from different big cities:
- 1,5 hour from Malaga
- 2,5 hours from Seville
- 4 hours from Madrid
- 9 hours from Barcelona
Top 5 attractions in Granada
- Alhambra and Generalife
- Catedral de Granada
- Albaicín
- Capilla Real
- Baños Árabes El Bañuelo
Other attractions in the city
- Alcazaba
- Alcaicería
- Basílica San Juan de Dios
- Plaza Nueva
- Museo Arqueológico
Granada has a large collection of hotels to suit any preference or budget. Here are a few to consider for your stay.
Hand picked hotel recommendations:
- Mid-range hotel: Hotel Casa Morisca
- Luxury hotel: Hotel Casa 1800
- Budget hotel: Boutique Hotel Luna
- Special experience: Casa Cueva Lujo
However, Granada’s neighborhoods are quite different, and some may be better suited to your style of travel. The best way to find out is by learning more about them.